Registration is open for the 2024 Meeting! Please register here
McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago (Room S104)
Friday October 4, Noon-7:00pm.
This symposium provides an annual forum for presenting the best new work in motor control and motor learning, including studies of human motor behavior, imaging, motor neurophysiology, and computational modeling.
Our program typically consists of 10 talks selected from peer-reviewed submitted abstracts, and 3 invited plenary talks.
Submitted abstracts were peer reviewed by our program committee and the top 10 reviewed abstracts will be presented at the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C.!
Maurice Smith, Gelsy Torres-Oviedo, Sam McDougle & Kurt Thoroughman (co-chairs)
You can join our email list (or opt out) here.
Submission instructions:
There are no submission fees. The acceptance rate for talks has historically been around 30%. The abstract submission deadline for MLMC 2024 will be August 29 (Early this year due to early date for SFN!).
Abstract submission consists of a 2-page PDF (1 page of text & a 2nd page primarily of figures and their captions). The main text should be ≥ 11pt with a line spacing of ≥ 1, and figure captions should be ≥ 9pt. Successful abstracts from previous years are available here. See the link at the bottom of this page to submit an abstract.
Submissions are competitively peer reviewed by our program committee of over 40 leading experts in motor control and motor learning, and reviewer comments will be provided. The top submissions will be accepted for 22-minute oral presentations (6 minutes of which is reserved for questions). If you are a faculty member willing to review about 5 abstracts, and would like to join the program committee for 2024, please send a message to
2023 Meeting Program
12:00 PM – WELCOME
Plenary Speaker: Madhusudhan Venkadesan (Yale U)
Finger stability in precision grips
Implicit motor adaptation pattern in a redundant motor task manipulating a stick with both hands
Toshiki Kobayashi and Daichi Nozaki
Characterization of the adaptation and generalization dynamics from high-dimensional neuromuscular data error
Dulce M. Mariscal, Krista L. Fjeld and Gelsy Torres-Oviedo
1:20 PM – 1:40 PM – Coffee Break
A cerebellar population coding model for sensorimotor learning
Tianhe Wang and Richard B. Ivry
Complex spikes independently encode sensory prediction errors and movements
Jay S. Pi, Mohammad Amin Fakharian, Paul Hage, Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad, Salomon Z. Muller, and Reza Shadmehr
Continuous encoding of intent and error in the human motor cortex
Camille Gontier, Nicolas Kunigk, William Hockeimer, Jennifer L. Collinger
The phenotype of motor impairments after a stroke: Weakness and pathological synergies emerge together but recover separately
Inbar Avni, Ahmet Arac, Noy Goldhamer, Reut Binyamin-Netser, Shilo Kramer, Simona Bar-Haim, John W. Krakauer, Lior Shmuelof
3:10 PM - 3:35 PM – Coffee Break
Bayesian cue combination drives implicit motor adaptation and related proprioceptive changes
Huijun Wang, Zhaoran Zhang, and Kunlin Wei
Even Small Visual Latencies Can Profoundly Impair Implicit Sensorimotor Learning
Alkis Hadjiosif, George Abraham, Tanvi Ranjan, and Maurice Smith
Plenary Speaker: Taraz Lee (U Michigan)
Dissociable causal roles of lateral prefrontal cortex and primary motor cortex in motor skill expertise
4:55 - 5:20 PM – Coffee Break
Prospective and retrospective cues for sensorimotor confidence
Marissa E. Fassold, Shannon M. Locke, and Michael S. Landy
Precision and capacity limitations of retrieval strategies for visuomotor adaptation
Carlos A. Velázquez-Vargas, Vikranth R. Bejjanki, and Jordan A. Taylor
Information bottlenecks, use-dependent learning, and handedness in sensorimotor control
Xueqian Deng, James Yan, Michael Colavito, and Adrian Haith
Plenary Speaker: Hannah Block (Indiana U)
Visuo-proprioceptive recalibration and hand movement: Connections in behavior and neurophysiology
7:00 PM – END